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10 Tips to Boost your Social Media


  1. 80/20 RULE - Not everyone who Likes and Follows your social media pages are your clients yet and even if they are they don't just want to be bombarded with advertising / sales posts. So create a mix of content 80% great value and 20% sales and advertising.
  2. RUN YOUR BRAND THEMES THROUGH YOUR POSTS – for example we have a client who is an accountant and her positioning statement is "Number Loving Accountant" so posts are about their business and team, but also includes number quotes and facts – because it's relevant!
  3. USE MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES, FUNNY STORIES – eg. “this happened to me,don’t let it happen to you”
  4. USE QUESTIONS – to engage your audience and get to know them better.
  5. BRANDING SHOULD BE SPRINKLED - you don't need to use your logo on every image, it is social so play as a player not just an advertiser.
  6. BE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR BRANDING - through tone and language, down to earth like talking to a mate?; colours, photos – do you use black and white or more colourful and fun?; cafes – be consistent!
  7. USE TIPS - always good, become a resource – ‘tip of the week’.
  8. USE QUOTES A LITTLE – don’t overuse them as they are done by a lot of people all the time.
  9. USE "DID YOU KNOW" – great for Tradies - a quick way to unblock your drain or how to check for whiteants etc.
  10. ASK FOR REVIEWS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND RATINGS - link to colleagues and customers and ask for recommendations and ratings. This is social proof and it is gold!!